Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Chinese (Simplified) / 1 Review / 01 Dec 2014 at 15:01

guaiyetta 52 中国人ネイティブでAD関連の仕事をしているLarryと申します。 中国の...

このイラストは日本で有名なオタク文化の一つ”TOHO Project”のイラストです!
私はこれらも”TOHO Project”のイラスト描いて、投稿して行きます。
”TOHO Project”の世界観を楽しんでください!


Hello, my name is EO(?)!
This illustration is from "TOHO Project", which is famous in Japanese Otaku culture!
I am also going to draw "TOHO Project"'s illustration and submit to it from now on.
Please enjoy the world of "TOHO Project"!

Reviews ( 1 )

aspenx 53 プロフィールをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます。 工学を専攻しなが...
aspenx rated this translation result as ★★★★ 03 Dec 2014 at 00:13

Hello, my name is EO(?)!
This illustration is from "TOHO Project", which is famous in Japanese Otaku culture!
I am also going to draw "TOHO Project"'s illustration and submit to it from now on.
Please enjoy the world of "TOHO Project"!

Hello, my name is EO!
This illustration is from "TOHO Project", which is famous in Japanese Otaku culture!
I am also going to draw "TOHO Project"'s illustration and submit to it from now on.
Please enjoy the world of "TOHO Project"!

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