Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 1 Review / 13 Jul 2014 at 05:01

spdr 52




# For buyer has experience purchasing items at eBay and desire to purchase additional items

I have had not communications before, but I am writing to you because I won your auction at eBay this time (before).
I would like to purchase additional items from you, but would you be possible to give me a discount?
I think if we have direct deal without through eBay, you would not need to be charged the eBay’s commission and I would purchase items cheaper without their commission.
I would appreciate if you could take consideration on this matter.

Reviews ( 1 )

tearz 50 プロの翻訳チームによる以下の多言語プロジェクトの対応が可能です。 英語(...
tearz rated this translation result as ★★ 13 Jul 2014 at 07:51

# For buyer has experience purchasing items at eBay and desire to purchase additional items

I have had not communications before, but I am writing to you because I won your auction at eBay this time (before).
I would like to purchase additional items from you, but would you be possible to give me a discount?
I think if we have direct deal without through eBay, you would not need to be charged the eBay’s commission and I would purchase items cheaper without their commission.
I would appreciate if you could take consideration on this matter.

# When a buyer with prior purchase experiences wishes to place an additional order

Nice to meet you. I am an import distributor in Japan.
I won your auction at eBay this time (before).
As I would like to purchase additional items from you, would you give me a discount?
If we could make a deal without going through eBay, you would not need to pay for the eBay’s handling fee, and I would purchase items cheaper that way.
I would appreciate if you could take this matter into your consideration.


This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.

spdr spdr 13 Jul 2014 at 08:10

間違ってもNice to meet you.と書いたりしないで下さいね。

日本語のように、「初めまして(Nice to meet you)」と書き出すことはありません。また、いきなり「My name is~」と書くのもオススメ出来ません。カジュアルな印象を与えてしまうためです。

tearz tearz 13 Jul 2014 at 11:49


dosanko dosanko 13 Jul 2014 at 17:18

私はNice to meet youで始まるビジネスレターをまだ見たことがないです。かなりくだけていて、in formalなイメージがします。文書にはある程度のパターンがあり、慣例に従わないと、教養のないイメージを与えます。最初の一文にこだわるのもとても大事です。ただし、過小評価があったので、☆を5つつけておきます。報復はご勘弁ください。

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Additional info: #ebayで購入経験があり、更に追加で購入したい場合