Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 12 Jun 2014 at 23:53
I was wondering if you could put all of my bidded items together in one shipment?
If that's okay with you, I would consider purchasing xx and xx.
Up to how many items would you be able to ship together?
I would appreciate your kind arrangement on this as I would like to keep the shipping expense as low as possible.
Also, do you happen to apply discount price for multiple orders?
How should I settle the payment for such multiple orders?
Would you send the invoices all at once?
Appreciate your flexible consideration.
Reviews ( 1 )
I was wondering if you could put all of my bidded items together in one shipment?
If that's okay with you, I would consider purchasing xx and xx.
Up to how many items would you be able to ship together?
I would appreciate your kind arrangement on this as I would like to keep the shipping expense as low as possible.
Also, do you happen to apply discount price for multiple orders?
How should I settle the payment for such multiple orders?
Would you send the invoices all at once?
Appreciate your flexible consideration.
I am wondering if you could put all of my bidded items together in one shipment.
If that's okay with you, I would consider purchasing xx and xx.
Up to how many items would you be able to ship together?
I would appreciate your kind arrangement on this as I would like to keep the shipping expense as low as possible.
Also, would you be able to make a discount for multiple orders?
How should I settle the payment for such multiple orders?
Would you send the invoices all at once?
I appreciate your flexible consideration.
This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.
①I was wondering - ? とクエスチョンマークで終わるのは文法的に正しくありませんので、訂正させて頂きました。was か amについては、個人のテイストかと思います。
②happen toについては、「偶然」というニュアンスが入ってくるので、ここでは使うのは少し違うような気がするのですが、いかがでしょうか。
Do you happen to have a pen? のように、会話文で、「"ひょっとして"、ペンをお持ちではないですよね?」と聞く時には、「ひょっとして」という表現を含ませた丁寧な表現として使われると思います。
ただ、複数購入した場合割引については、偶然持ち合わせているわけではなく、常にあるものか、割引をお願いするものなので、happen toは使わない気がしたのです。こちらは、明日にでもネイティブに確認してみたいと思います。
③また、apply discount price という表現について、applyを使うのであれば、apply a discountとなると思います。discount price を使うのであれば、set discount priceになると思います。
③については、この場合にtearzさんが書かれていたようにhappen toを使っても全く問題ないようです。
すみません、追記です。set discount priceではなく、set a discount priceの間違いです。aが間違っていました。宜しくお願い致します。