Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 63 / 1 Review / 26 Apr 2014 at 14:12









There is a lot of trouble on dealing with you. I also spend a long time for correspondence.
Therefore, I trust you will understand.
You will pay for the first return and I will pay for the second return.
I will pay $ 14 for shipping from Japan to Canada and return charge from Canada to Japan, when the product arrived in Japan.
I have the razor that was sent to you sharpened the cutting edge by a craftsman.

Since the cutting edge has been adjusted horizontally, it will cut well if you sharpen it using the grindstone.

However, as my apology, the fee of $ 30 for sharpening will refund this time next week.

Reviews ( 1 )

marikayamada 56 物流会社に約10年勤務し,契約書の翻訳等の経験があります。 現在は輸出入...
marikayamada rated this translation result as ★★★★ 06 May 2014 at 16:01

There is a lot of trouble on dealing with you. I also spend a long time for correspondence.
Therefore, I trust you will understand.
You will pay for the first return and I will pay for the second return.
I will pay $ 14 for shipping from Japan to Canada and return charge from Canada to Japan, when the product arrived in Japan.
I have the razor that was sent to you sharpened the cutting edge by a craftsman.

Since the cutting edge has been adjusted horizontally, it will cut well if you sharpen it using the grindstone.

However, as my apology, the fee of $ 30 for sharpening will refund this time next week.

There is a lot of trouble on dealing with you. I also spend a lot of time to deal with you.
Therefore, I trust you will understand.
If You paied the first return charge, then I would pay the second return charge.
I will pay $ 14 for shipping from Japan to Canada and return charge from Canada to Japan after the product arrives in Japan.
The razor I sent to you was sharpened the cutting edge by a craftsman.

Since the cutting edge has been adjusted horizontally, it will be cut well if you sharpen it by the grindstone.

However, as my apology, I will refund you the sharpening fee $ 30 this time next week.

hideyuki hideyuki 06 May 2014 at 22:13

添削ありがとうございました。  ご教示頂きたいのですが
下から4行目It will be cut well...のbeは不要ではないでしょうか。 
下から3行目by the grindstone は砥石を使って研ぐのでusingではいけないでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

marikayamada marikayamada 07 May 2014 at 04:50

下から4行目It will be cut well...のbeは仰る通り不要のようです、申し訳ありません。
また、usingとbyの違いですが、by usingは「使うことによって」、usingは「使いながら」というような意味になる場合が多く、どちらも手段を表しているので、そんなに大きな違いはないようです。厳密にはby usingがベストかもしれませんがusingも間違いではありませんでした。添削の修正方法が分からないのでそのままになってしまいますが申し訳ありません。

hideyuki hideyuki 07 May 2014 at 09:42


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