Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 04 Jan 2014 at 01:04




現在ログインした画面上からはRetrun to Senderを選択できませんので、このメールを返送依頼として受け取ってください。


This is email concerns packages ID 22, 33, and 44.
I have sent an email a few days ago, but there was still no reply.
Please forward these three packages to the following address


Since the "Return to Sender" button cannot be selected on the login page, this email will be my request for returning theses packages back to the sender. I have purchased these items via Paypal, and after inquiring about the address of the seller, this address was given to me in their reply.

Reviews ( 1 )

russ87 68
russ87 rated this translation result as ★★★ 20 Jan 2014 at 16:32

This is email concerns packages ID 22, 33, and 44.
I have sent an email a few days ago, but there was still no reply.
Please forward these three packages to the following address


Since the "Return to Sender" button cannot be selected on the login page, this email will be my request for returning theses packages back to the sender. I have purchased these items via Paypal, and after inquiring about the address of the seller, this address was given to me in their reply.

This is email concerns packages ID 22, 33, and 44.
I sent an email a few days ago, but there is still no reply.
Please forward these three packages to the following address


Since the "Return to Sender" button currently cannot be selected on the login page, this email will be my request for returning these packages back to the sender. As for why this address is the delivery address, it is because I purchased these items via Paypal. After inquiring about the address of the seller, this address was given to me in their reply.

Be careful with your tenses, particularly perfect tense. The last sentence is a bit clumsy so be careful not to miss out any parts.

This review was found appropriate by 100% of translators.

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Additional info: 日本へ輸入できないものを買ってしまい、現在MYUSという荷物転送会社に荷物が保管されています。日本へ送れないのでMYUSから購入元へ荷物を返送してもらうために送るメールです