Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 1 Review / 09 Nov 2013 at 18:43



1. 以下のページでCSSの表示が崩れています
2. 以下のページでエラーがでます。必要な機能がもしかするとサーバーに無いのでしょうか?





I could installation, but there are two errors.

1. Indication of CSS collapsed in the following pages.
2. Some error is given in the follwing pages.

Possibly does a server have a necessary function?
I look forward to having your reply.
Thank you.

Reviews ( 1 )

jumot 50 2007年に日本語能力試験一級合格。
jumot rated this translation result as ★★★ 09 Nov 2013 at 23:15

I could installation, but there are two errors.

1. Indication of CSS collapsed in the following pages.
2. Some error is given in the follwing pages.

Possibly does a server have a necessary function?
I look forward to having your reply.
Thank you.

I was able to instal, but I get two errors.

1. Indication of CSS collapsed in the following pages.
2. Some error is given in the follwing pages. Is it possible that the server doesnt have a necessary function?

I look forward for a reply.

I want to set to display a particular artist from a particular country, could you do this for me?


This review was found appropriate by 100% of translators.

satoshi33 satoshi33 09 Nov 2013 at 23:18

原文を一部 見落としていました。完全なミスですね。 ご指摘有難うございます。

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