Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 42 / 1 Review / 25 Jun 2013 at 11:24

jaypee 42 Multilanguage speakers especially Jap...

お寺です。今日見学するお寺はすべて日蓮宗の寺院です。日蓮宗は仏教の教えの一つ。その教えは、生きている間に正しい行いをたくさんしましょう。そうすれば、社会もよくなるし、あなた自身も幸せに近づきます。今を正しく生きましょう。死んだら天国に行くという概念とは異なります。「南妙法蓮華経」と唱えて祈ります。日蓮宗を最初に始めた人の宗教上の名前から来ています。その人の名は「日蓮」。ここは、この地域を治めていた池上宗仲(いけがみ むねなか)という人の館でした。日蓮がなくなったのは10月13


A temple. All temple tour today is Nichiren religion temple. Nichiren religion is one of the Buddhism. Their teaching is do as many right thing while live. By following this path, society will becoming better and yourself also will find happiness. Lets do the right thing now. It is diffirent from the concept after death is going to heaven. Pray to advocates through "South Myoho Renge". Nichiren religion name came from the person who started this religion. The person name is "Nichiren". This is the museum of the Ikegami Munenaka who had rule this area. Nichiren passed away on October 13th.

Reviews ( 1 )

gorogoro13 52 ネット動画で外国のニュースや情報を収集するのが趣味です。 英語とネットが...
gorogoro13 rated this translation result as ★★★ 10 Jul 2013 at 20:56

A temple. All temple tour today is Nichiren religion temple. Nichiren religion is one of the Buddhism. Their teaching is do as many right thing while live. By following this path, society will becoming better and yourself also will find happiness. Lets do the right thing now. It is diffirent from the concept after death is going to heaven. Pray to advocates through "South Myoho Renge". Nichiren religion name came from the person who started this religion. The person name is "Nichiren". This is the museum of the Ikegami Munenaka who had rule this area. Nichiren passed away on October 13th.

A temple. All the temple we will see today is Nichiren religion temple. Nichiren religion is one of the Buddhist sect. They teach us to do the right thing as many as you can while you alive. By following this path, society will become better place and your will find happiness. Let us do the right thing. It is diffirent from the concept that you were ensured to go to heaven after the death. They pray by chanting "South Myoho Renge". The name of Nichiren religion was originally come from the person who started this religion. The person named "Nichiren". This is the residence of the Ikegami Munenaka who had ruled this area. Nichiren passed away on October 13th 1282.


gorogoro13 gorogoro13 10 Jul 2013 at 21:01

as many as you can while you alive×
as much as you can while you alive

gorogoro13 gorogoro13 10 Jul 2013 at 21:03

society will become better place and your will find happiness×
society will become better place and you will find happiness

jaypee jaypee 17 Jul 2013 at 19:58


gorogoro13 gorogoro13 17 Jul 2013 at 20:20




jaypee jaypee 17 Jul 2013 at 20:22


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Additional info: お寺をガイドするときの説明です。