Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 16 May 2013 at 19:51

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52

Shortly after the news of Mutina, the provinces and armies of the East were consigned to Cassius in one act.Nor was this all. Octavianus remained in the neighbourhood of Bononia and awaited with equanimity the ruin of D. Brutus and the triumph of diplomacy among the Caesarian armies of the West. The confrontation with Lepidus was not long delayed. One of the lieutenants of Lepidus dispatched to Antonius during the War of Mutina remained in his company, another had studiously refrained from barring the road to Narbonensis. In March, Lepidus urged the Senate to accept his mediation; and Antonius publicly asseverated that Lepidus was on his side.


Mutinaの知らせのすぐ後に、Eastの地域と軍は決議によりCassiusに引き渡された。これだけがすべてではなかった。Octavianusは Bononiaの近くに居座り、冷静にD.Brutusの破滅とWestのCaesar軍による外交の勝利を心待ちにした。Lepidusとの対決に大きな遅れはなかった。Lepidusの将校の一人が彼の仲間でいるMutinaの戦いの間Antoniusのところへ派遣され、別の一人はNarbonensisへの道を封鎖するのを慎重に避けた。3月にLepidusは元老院に彼の仲介者を受け入れるように主張し、AntoniusはLepidus が彼の味方であることを公に明言した。

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