Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 01 Apr 2013 at 18:58


8 Startup Lessons on Working with Big Brands

Simon is currently CEO at Frenzoo. He was previously APAC head of emerging technology at Juniper Networks. He is an angel investor in startups, and a writer on startups and gaming. Follow his blog or on Twitter.

“If you’re doing a startup, there’s an allure to big brand partnerships.”

You might think: close a deal in a couple months and then prestige, validation, press, growth, new opportunities, and lots more all await. “If I get this deal we’ll be up in bright lights.” Except it doesn’t usually work that way.



Simon Newstead氏は現在、FrenzooでCEOを務めている。以前には、Juniper Networksでアジア太平洋地域の先端技術分野における責任者を務めていた。同氏はスタートアップを対象とするエンジェル投資家であり、スタートアップやゲームに関するライターでもある。同氏のブログやTwitterをフォローしよう。



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