Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 24 Mar 2013 at 05:16


and anon the cries of others lifting their heads above the waves and beseeching aid from those on shore.Not only was the sea inexorable to those engulfed in it, as well as to those still in the ships, but the danger was almost as great on land as at sea, lest the surf should dash them against the rocks. So distressed were they by this unexampled tempest that those who were nearest the land feared the land, yet could not get sufficient offing to avoid collision with each other, for the narrowness of the place and its naturally difficult outlet, together with the whirlpool of the deep, holding everything in its grasp, allowed neither tarrying nor escape.And so they perished, no longer even seeing each other.



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Additional info: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。