Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 44 / 0 Reviews / 04 Mar 2013 at 12:05

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 44


ではもうひとつの流れ、世界的に爆発しているロングテール市場についてはどうだろうか。国内ではソフトバンクがPaypalと提携してPaypal hereを提供、楽天が独自サービスの「スマートペイ」を発表し、スタートアップのCoineyがこの二つの巨人の間で軽快な動きを見せているというのが目下の状況だろう。


With Square's breakthrough, the long tail market increases its visibility

How about another trend, the long tail market that has been explosive world-wide? In Japan, Soft Bank has teamed up with PayPal to provide PayPal Here. Rakuten has released its own service "Smart Pay." And startup Coiney has been currently making swift moves among the two giants.

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