Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 11 Feb 2011 at 23:10

mrgcmsk 50

In August 2010, Khazanah secured SGD1.5bn (US$1.11bn) through the issue of a five-year and a 10-year
sukuk, making it the largest and longest termed sukuk issuance in Singapore. The five-year and 10-year
sukuk were priced at 2.615% and 3.725% respectively. According to bankers, Khazanah is looking to
utilise the proceeds to acquire sharia-compliant assets as well as refinance existing debt. The sukuk issue
follows the acquisition of Singapore-based hospital chain Parkway Holdings by Khazanah for SGD3.5bn
(US$2.59bn). In June 2010, Khazanah had entered a battle for the control of Parkway with India's
healthcare group Fortis Healthcare, which gained a 25% stake in Parkway in a deal worth SGD96.23mn


5年・10年のスクーク債権はそれぞれ2.615%、3.725%に価格設定される。銀行家によると、カザナは既存の負債を借り換えるだけではなくイスラム法に適合した資産を得るため収益を利用しようとしている。スクークの配当は3.5億SGD(2.59億USドル)でカザナによるシンガポールに拠点を置く病院チェーンParkwayホールディングスの買収につながる。2010年冬、カザナはParkwayの90.23百万SGD(685百万USドル)で25%の株を得るインドのヘルスケアグループFortis Healthcareと、Parkwayの経営権をめぐる争奪戦に入る。

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