Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 68 / 0 Reviews / 23 Jan 2013 at 11:59

strugglebunny 68 + English - Native Level / 母語:英語 + J...

料理写真共有アプリ『SnapDish 料理カメラ』、新たに仏・独・西・伊・ポルトガル・インドネシア・タ イの 7 言語に対応、計 11 言語 30 億人の母語で利用可能に



The application that allows you to share your favorite dish, "SnapDish CuisineCam", has been updated to include the following languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Tai, making the total to 11 languages supported. Now 3 billion people can use our application in their native language!

Many applications are coming out of Japan with the intention of reaching a global audience. The photo and recipe sharing mobile application "SnapDish" is one of them.

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