Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 14 Jul 2012 at 18:14


Chinese Phone-Maker Xiaomi Secures $216 Million in Series C Funding

It has just been announced by Lei Jun, founder and CEO of the disruptive startup phone-maker Xiaomi, that the company has secured a staggering $216 million in third-round funding. The financing was agreed to over the weekend, he said, but would not reveal who led this newest funding round.



革新的な設立間もない電話会社Xiaomiの創設者であり、社長のLei Junが発表したもので、同社が2億1600万もの資金を3度目の資金調達で得たと述べた。彼によれば今週末にも資金が集まる予定だと言う。しかし、資金の出所については明らかにしていない。

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