Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 Jun 2012 at 17:49

zhizi 68

On acquisition landscape in Southeast Asia

For Indonesia which has a sizable amount of Indonesian whom adore Japanese products, Japan would have a better grip in conquering the acquisition landscape, and it would not be surprising to see more M&A soon from the Japanese. With huge cheques in the Japanese’s pocket, Johan also says that its just a matter of pitching to the right company. While the interests and hypes are there, it still remains to be seen whether all the hypes are followed by actual M&A deals.



日本の製品を好む人がかなり多いインドネシアにおいて、日本は買収に関しては有利な立場にあるだろうし、今後さらに多くの買収が日本企業によって行われても驚くことではないだろう。日本の企業は資金も豊富なので、ポイントとなるのは適切な企業にピッチを行うことだけだとも Johan は述べている。関心や煽りはあるものの、そのすべての煽りが実際の買収に繋がるかどうかは分からない。

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