Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / 0 Reviews / 27 Mar 2012 at 14:55

yoggie 57 現在実務翻訳勉強中。一つ一つ丁寧に翻訳させて頂きたいと思います。 TOE...

But a partner at GSR Ventures, Zhu Xiaohu, let slip on his microblog page that things were not looking too good for the VIPShop proposal, saying that “the IPO window” is probably not open to the e-commerce site. He later added, as he was a party to the discussions, that it’s “still very challenging. [VIPShop is] too aggressive on price range.”

Others in the industry also rate VIPShop’s chances as slim – partly because the global economic outlook is still a bit grim, but mainly because the e-commerce site’s profit margins are pretty thin and some of its logistics costs are reportedly twice that of other leading sites in this sector in China.


しかし、GSRベンチャーズのパートナー、Zhu Xiaohuは、自身のブログページで、「IPO(新規株式公開)の窓口は恐らくeコマースサイトには開かれていない」として、VIPShopの計画にとって事態はよくない、とつづっている。また後に、この論議の当事者として、やはりまだとても挑戦的だ、「VIPShop」は価格幅がアグレッシブすぎる、と付け加えている。


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