Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It becomes "Pirates color" in the classroom, isn't it? My daughter became a p...

Original Texts
今、教室内はパイレーツ一色ですね。私の娘は休暇中にパイレーツになりましたよ!ステンシルを使ってパイレーツ柄のTシャツや、帽子に刀も作りました。名前も筆を使って本人の手書きです。(Sの字以外は笑) 船に乗り込み、お友達と協力して水風船や水鉄砲で戦い、無事に島に上陸しました。とても楽しかったようで、私の娘はもう一度パイレーツになりたいと言っています。
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
It becomes "Pirates color" in the classroom, isn't it? My daughter became a pirate during the holiday! We made some T-shirts and hut, saber in pirate pattern with stencil. The name is hand-written by herself by brush. (Except a character "S" haha) She boarded on the ship and fought others in partnership with friends by water balloons and guns, then she could land on the island. She was so excited and want to be a pirate one more time.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
16 minutes