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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Summer Trip rhythm zone Recorded with Kumi Koda's full volume, the firs...

Original Texts
Summer Trip

rhythm zone

「TOUCH DOWN」は、一転してミニマルなトラックが非常に印象的なクールなダンスサウンド。
「IS THIS TRAP?」は、夢を現実のものにして欲しいという願いから、夢を叶える場所として”TOKYO”をテーマに描いた、高揚感溢れるキラーチューン!
いずれの曲も夏を彩るに相応しい1枚に仕上がっており、これぞ「THE KODA KUMI ワールド!」
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
Summer Trip

rhythm zone

Recorded with Kumi Koda's full volume, the first 3-song summer single in two years is finally on sale!
The lead song "LALALALALA" has a rock beat that's filled with the liberation, the heat, and the energy you can only get during the summer.
"TOUCH DOWN" takes it down a notch with a minimalist track with an impressively cool dance sound.
"IS THIS TRAP?" is an exalting killer tune that comes from having your dream become reality in the dreamworld called "TOKYO"! This disc contains Kumi Koda's World that is packed with all kinds of summer flavors! Hold on to your hats for the latest Kumi Koda summer collection!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
41 minutes