Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] To apply for wholesale pricing, please respond to this Ticket with the follow...

Original Texts
To apply for wholesale pricing, please respond to this Ticket with the following information:

4. Year business established
5. First and Last name of primary contact
6. Telephone number for primary contact
7. Email address for primary contact
8. PayPal email address used to verify your AAA account
9. Location where these products will be resold (links if online)
10. Store name or DBA
11. Brief description of your store (primary business, product mix, etc.)
12. Store address (Street, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country)
13. Website URL

We will notify you via email once our security team reviews and approves your wholesale account.
Translated by ucamasstra

4. 事業を始めた年
5. 主な連絡先の名前(姓・名)
6. 主な連絡先の電話番号
7. 主な連絡先のEメールアドレス
8. Paypalに登録しているEメールアドレス(AAAアカウントを確認するため必要)
9. 商品を再販売する場所(オンラインの場合はリンク)
10. お店の名前、またはDBA
11. 簡単なお店の説明(主なビジネス、プロダクトミックス等)
12. お店の住所(番地、市町村、都道府県、郵便番号、国)


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
16 minutes
ucamasstra ucamasstra