Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] From the beginning, the faction of Octavianus invited those who had nothing t...

Original Texts
From the beginning, the faction of Octavianus invited those who had nothing to lose from war and adventure, among the 'foundation-members' being Agrippa and Salvidienus Rufus. Octavianus himself had only recently passed his twentieth birthday: Agrippa's age was the same to a year. Salvidienus, the earliest and greatest of his marshals, of origin no more distinguished than Agrippa, was his senior in years and military experience. His example showed that the holding of senatorial office was not an indispensable qualification for leading armies of Roman legions. But Salvidienus was not unique: foreigners or freed slaves might compete with knights for military command in the wars of the Revolution.
Translated by 3_yumie7
当初よりOctavianus派は戦争と冒険で何も失うものがない者達を勧誘しており、その「設立メンバー」の中にAgrippaとSalvidienus Rufusがいた。Octavianus自身つい最近20歳の誕生日を迎えたばかりでAgrippaとは同い年だった。 自らの軍の最高指揮官の中で最も古参で優秀だがAgrippaほど高い身分の出ではなかったSalvidienusは自分より何年も先輩で軍事経験があった。彼の例が示すように、元老院の職務を持つことがローマのレギオンの軍隊を統率するための必要不可欠な資格だったわけではないが、Salvidienusが唯一そうだったのではなかった。外国人や解放奴隷たちは革命戦争の中では軍隊の指揮権をめぐって騎士の者達を競っていたのだろう。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7