Translation & Localization / Translation

Traditional Chinese to English Translator (September 2020)

Order Details

Looking for several people who can translate articles on travel and food from Traditional Chinese into English!

→ 1 article has 2000 - 9000 characters
→ Rate is 2.2~3 yen per Chinese character (depending on skills and experience)

(Note that you will be paid for the month's work at the end of the month.)
Required Translator Languages
Chinese (Traditional) → English
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


04 Sep 2020 at 09:44
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
10K yen–100K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People

Accepting Other Translation Requests

Chinese (Traditional) → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 14 days later
Chinese (Traditional) → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 15 days later
Chinese (Traditional) → English
500 yen–10K yen
Application Deadline 14 days later
Chinese (Traditional) → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 15 days later

New Arrival Requests

Chinese (Traditional) → English
500 yen–10K yen
Application Deadline 1 day later
500 yen–10K yen
Application Deadline 2 days later
500 yen–10K yen
Application Deadline 2 days later
Chinese (Traditional) → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 15 days later

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