Translation & Localization / Translation

English to Japanese Translator for Travel Articles

Order Details

Looking for someone that can translate travel articles from English to Japanese. Must:
→ Be native in Japanese
→ Be somewhat fluent in English (enough to understand most texts and make simple replies)

Each article is roughly 1500 to 3000 words long and written in fairly simple English.
The rate is 2.7 yen per word.

The application process goes as follows:
1) Apply
2) Take a short translation test
3) Get a reply within 3 business days
4) Start working

Payments are processed at the beginning of the next month.
Required Translator Languages
English → Japanese
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


22 Aug 2019 at 12:16
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
10K yen–100K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People

Accepting Other Translation Requests

English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 8 hours later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 8 hours later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 8 hours later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later

New Arrival Requests

English → Japanese
500 yen–10K yen
Application Deadline 30 minutes later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
English → Japanese
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later

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