Translating articles, texts and videos

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$8.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
French → English English → French
French language is not one of the easiest language on Earth, but a wonderful one even if the grammar is difficult. Since French is my native language and because I am bilingual I can translate easily different documents as articles or even videos.

ilona_33's Profile

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Over 3 years ago
French English
Starting my last year at college in Bordeaux, in Economics, I am 22 years old. Like every young adults I struggle in my new adult life and in founding what to do after college.
I am an extrovert woman with an easy smile, always ready to help and meet people. Travel is my hobby and reading my passion. I read mostly in English which helped me to become bilingual since my first language is French. I studied English since first grade and still continue to learn more about this language although now I learn financial terms since tree years. I know how to understand and write financial articles.
I learnt Spanish since 6th grade, living near Spain and loving this country I had to speak this language. I am a fast learner and take pleasure to develop new skills.