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1,000 yen per hour
Marketing & Research / Questionnaires & Surveys
Japanese → English
月~金 2:00a ~ 11:00a

wickedcestus's Profile

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Over 4 years ago
English Japanese
Literature Marketing
様々なパンフレットやブログなど日本語から英語に翻訳する経験がある翻訳者です。日本語能力試験N2を合格しました。カナダのSimon Fraser Universityで日本語翻訳解釈ワークショップでプロな翻訳者から勉強しました。英語のブログ、小説、マーケティング書類など書く経験もたくさんあります。

Japanese to English translator with experience translating brochures, blog posts, pamphlets, etc. from various industries, such as IT, music, tourism, and hospitality. Studied Japanese at the university level and obtained JLPT N2 qualification. Also completed a Japanese Translation Workshop at Simon Fraser University, where I worked with an experienced translator and gained practical experience.

In terms of English writing, my portfolio includes hundreds of blog posts and several works of fiction. I am a proficient technical writer with experience writing and editing essays and marketing materials. I have also completed an Associate of Arts Degree in English.