英日ビジネスコミュニケーション Business communication in English and Japanese
About This Service
電子機器や太陽電池や電子部品を中心に海外の製造業の方々と日本のユーザとの橋渡し役としてのビジネスコミュニケーションを40年間、行ってまいりました。海外メーカの発掘、取引開始からお互いが利益を出せる継続的なビジネスの構築を行ってきた経験が生かせれば幸いです。また15年間は会社経営も行ってまいりましたので経営者感覚でモノを考えることができます。ビジネスにおけるあらゆるドキュメントの作成のお手伝いができることと存じます。電気・電子分野でございましたら技術的な内容を理解した上での文書作成も可能です。I have been working for importing foreign products especially electronics device and component, photo-voltaic modules and relates goods to Japanese customers for 40 years. Also I run a Japanese company for 15 years and recently management job has been transferred to my son. I find foreign manufacturers and build up business relation from the first contact stage to long lasting good business relationship with the company. I believe all sorts of Japanese/English business document would be available. Also I will be able to make a document under the knowledge of electronics and electric hardware.
What You Can Expect
かつては、一般的な大型商船に搭載される無線装置や航海計器類を商材とした技術商社としての仕事を担当しておりました。近年、小型太陽電池を海外メーカの工場訪問をしての探索から、国内の顧客開拓とメーカ、国内のお客様と弊社の三者が満足できる利益を享受できる値決め等の諸条件の交渉を担当させていただきました。このビジネスは20年を経てまだ継続しております。I used to work for maritime radio station and various nautical equipment for merchant ships. Recently I have created small solar modules import and domestic sales business from finding manufacturers, visiting factories, finding applications and right customers, fixing the price and other conditions under management and sales point of view to create good profit business lasting 20 years. This experience
Business Hours
基本的には平日午後7時から11時、週末はいつでも大丈夫です。平日昼間でも予定をおっしゃっていただければ、調整可能です。Basically weekdays 19:00 to 23:00 Japan time and week end will be any time you want. I also am available in weekdays daytime if date and time is scheduled in advance.
mike_matsushima's Profile
ID Verified
Over 4 years ago
Import Industry
I got employed by a Japanese company 40 years ago, where I worked for installing, repairing and importing European and US made maritime radio station, radar and navigational equipment for merchant ships as manufacturers' sales and service agent in Japan. In case of repairing, I visit the ship, hearing fault symptoms from ship's officers, perform a service, explaining how it has been done and recovered to officers, make a service report and have a captain's signature on the report all in English. I learned a simple and straightforward English is required for business communication from this 10 years job experience.
Then, I launched small-sized solar module import and domestic sales business in the company: from finding manufacturers, visiting factories, create its applications, finding right customers, fixing the price and other conditions not only under sales and/or procurement point of view but also management way of thinking and to the business success for customers, manufacturers and us. This business lasts for 20 years and still keeps on going.
Also I succeed the company 15 years ago and recently it has been transferred to my son.
I still work for the company but I could have more spare time than before, so I'd like to dedicate it for someone who would like to communicate with Japanese/foreign people under famed international translation platform.
I am very happy if I could work for foreign people who would like to introduce it's philosophies, cultures, products and services to Japanese people, society and/or market; and vice versa.
I look forward to having opportunities to work with you very soon,
Then, I launched small-sized solar module import and domestic sales business in the company: from finding manufacturers, visiting factories, create its applications, finding right customers, fixing the price and other conditions not only under sales and/or procurement point of view but also management way of thinking and to the business success for customers, manufacturers and us. This business lasts for 20 years and still keeps on going.
Also I succeed the company 15 years ago and recently it has been transferred to my son.
I still work for the company but I could have more spare time than before, so I'd like to dedicate it for someone who would like to communicate with Japanese/foreign people under famed international translation platform.
I am very happy if I could work for foreign people who would like to introduce it's philosophies, cultures, products and services to Japanese people, society and/or market; and vice versa.
I look forward to having opportunities to work with you very soon,