I specialize in translating documents, forms, essays, etc. from English to Spanish or Spanish to English.

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Marketing & Research / Other
Translating is used for many websites, blogs, or articles. It helps people know what you sell, do, or advertise to a large audience.
I have experience translating, legal documents, courses, articles etc. Many happy customers, and currently teach English.
I'm usually available weekdays. Monday through Friday. But also work on special requests on weekends.

star_123's Profile

ID Unverified
About 4 years ago

I am new on Conyac. I am excited about helping you with translations. I have been translating for many years. I translate from English to Spanish and vice versa.
I currently teach English to students worldwide, and also work translating documents, articles, books, etc. I would like to have the opportunity to work on projects
and build a working relationship. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.