Proofreader for Web Localization

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$20.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Proofreading
Senior English → Indonesian
I have been a translator since 2012 and have handled many website and app localization for English-Indonesian pairing. I can do double-check on the translation before the web/app is being published to make sure the translation sounds natural, in context, and no mistakes found.
Monday-Friday (11:00-23:00 JST)

yuethio's Profile

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Almost 12 years ago
English Indonesian (native)
Advertising Gaming Travel Marketing Website
I am a full member of Indonesian Translator Association since January 2015. My native language is Indonesian and my language pairing is English to Indonesian. I have 4 years of experience as a full time freelance translator and I have worked in many areas like Marketing, Web/App Localization, Gaming, etc. I often handle documents like brochures, surveys, personality tests, product advertising, etc. I also work on website/application interface localization, game interface, and some film/video subtitles.

I am available on Monday - Friday at any given time.

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