Toward an Architecture

Contact Freelancer
$50.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
French → Vietnamese
Translate/proofread/edit from French > Vietnamese
Since it was quite an old French language (around the 18th century) and this was a specialized architectural book, it took our team quite a lot of time to finish the draft and make it more easy to understand for our readers.
Please, kindly send me a request to read the sample.
Thank you so much
Roughly 3-4 months for the translation draft, and 6 months for the proofread/edit process.

nguyenanh_310's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
French Vietnamese Japanese English
Marketing Comics Business Culture

My name is Nguyen Phuong Ngoc Anh. I am a Vietnamese native speaker living and working in Vietnam for 27 years. In recent years I have been working as a freelance translator and I am seeking more opportunities in this field.

At the moment I am mainly translating, proofreading and interpreting in the language pairs from French, English and Japanese to Vietnamese and vice versa.

The projects I work on cover a wide variety of subjects, such as
• Product descriptions
• IT, Science and Architecture documentaries
• Content and brand stories for webshops,
• Books and letters,
• Videos subtitles,
• Business correspondence,
• Catalogues and CVs.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards
Nguyen Phuong Ngoc Anh