Translate all you need

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Standard English → Italian French → Italian
Hi. I want to offer you the opportunity to get a fast and accurate translation of what you desire. I'va always worked in Neuroscience and fashion ( i know it's soooo unusual) and that gave me the opportunity to talk about different topics in different languages. I can dedicate my evenings and sometimes mornings to translate so don't worry about what hour u need to receive your work done. We can reach an agreement
My experience as a translator started when i was a student (7 years ago) and still going on also as a proof-reader and other-students'-degree-thesis writer.
Feel free to contact me anytime for a correction or a translation. I evaluate accurately all kind of offer and proposal.
20.30-24.00 (+1gmt Rome)

lanoebionda's Profile

ID Verified
About 8 years ago
Italian (native) English French
technology Science Biology Literature
Are you looking to find someone for a project? I' ll be very happy to take part as ita-engl translator. I' ve already worked on conyac for big projects and sentences creation too. This isn't my first job, I work for a big fashion brand, but i wanna be helpful and gonna dedicate all necessary time to the project's i'll be in. I use to set my fee at the lowest cause I' ve always got jobs with a standard fee so we can discuss about money another time and find a compromise