You have English materials that need to be translated into Vietnamese? I can do it.

Contact Freelancer
$8.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Senior English → Vietnamese
10+ years experience of translation, revision, proofreading.
Some completed projects: software (Bing, Skype), games (Once Heroes, IRE: Blood Memory, LineToys, Disney Cross Road, Jumping World) & apps (Anygram Phrases), business & finance (Infor BE)
6:00 - 22:00, all week days

hv_translator's Profile

ID Verified
Almost 6 years ago
Vietnamese (native) English
Business IT Computer Software
10+ years experience of translation, proofreading. Some completed projects: software (Bing, Skype), games (Once Heroes, IRE: Blood Memory, LineToys, Disney Cross Road, Jumping World) & apps (Anygram Phrases), business & finance (Infor BE)