
Contact Freelancer
2,000 yen per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Japanese Japanese → English
水曜と木曜で基本的に作業を行います。その他対応可能時間は、相談に応じます。(My business core time is Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to contact except these days, please send me your e-mail. I'll answer as soon as possible. )

suzuki-ayano's Profile

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Over 7 years ago
Japanese English French
Music Culture Arts Literature Food/Recipe/Menu Travel Product Descriptions


Hello. I'm a 28 years old Japanese female.

Now I teach English and Japanese at the cram school. So I have some knowledge of linguistics.

When I was a university student, I majored in English and French.
I'm interested in not only western cultures but also Japanese cultures. I enjoy visiting museums and studying there.

Though I'm a beginner of coynac, I promise to finish the work carefully and communicate well.

I hope to brush up on my ability through conyac.
Of course I promise to you the best promotions.

Thank you.