Please allow me to assist with double-proofing, proofreading, editing, or a quality check of your precious website localization.

Contact Freelancer
$20.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Proofreading
Japanese → English
Greetings! I love to proofread translations as well as double checking files and text before final launch. I specialize in cleaning up the language and also making things sound more attractive, and, if need be, expanding upon the original translation.
In my translation duties I focus more on the proofreading and editing stage of translation, should a project require it. This is my main focus and as such it is my most polished skill.
02:00 - 16:00 (JST)

brandon-blaisdell's Profile

ID Verified
Almost 10 years ago
English Japanese
Literature technology Business
Hello! My name is Brandon and I am 1/4 Japanese. I've been reading, writing, and speaking Japanese since I was in high school. I currently use Japanese on a daily basis (business Japanese) for my current vocation but also enjoy the occasional translation work on the side. I was a Japanese major in college (graduated with my BA) and an English minor. I am well-read and have also had experiences in a variety of vocations utilizing Japanese language in multiple contexts. I was also pre-business in college and have a strong command of business English/Japanese. Translation work I prefer to do is with marketing, merchandise, online retail, and technology, but I also like to dabble in periodicals and literature. Please let me know if you would like your work translated by me. Thank you!