
Contact Freelancer
2,000 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Interpreting & Tour Guiding
Japanese → English
語学教育に関する研究の情熱はだれにも負けません。I have been organizing international community as well as teaching programs for language. My Occupation : Founder of Trans-Word+ ( English teacher & Program producer of English lesson / TGM & Pop Culture Production leader ). I am organizing a bilingual communication network like a small international community called Trans-word+ and I develop English teaching programs and materials for the class and group activities. I teach English + Japanese to foreigners in our class.

I use my apartment to teach English and organize a group of people who study English to hold meetings for our TGM program . I’ve been abroad to Canada & U.S. since I was 19 years old and came back to Japan slightly before I turn 28. ( 1999 – 2007 ). Started learning English at the age of 6 and almost lived my entire life as a bilingual ( Japanese & English ). My writing is a lot better in English. Started to develop Trans-word+ since 2008

Educational Background
Capilano College in Vancouver Bachelors degree
TOEIC score 910
I have flex time schedule in the afternoon until 6:00 pm. My current class at work starts at 8:00 pm of local time in Japan.

massy's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 8 years ago
Japanese English
トランスワードプラス、TGMプログラム開発 創始者 : 英語教育+国際交流プログラム開発+英文作成、通訳サポート全般 )1979 年 京都市北区に生まれ、京都とカナダ(バンクーバー)2カ国の出身。10代の頃からカナダへ移住。幼年期から多国籍の家庭環境でバイリンガルの集中特訓を受け10代の頃から28歳までカナダとアメリカ合衆国に在住した後に帰国。海外でのハイスクール、カレッジでの教育課程を含んだ語学キャリア30年。子供の時から英語と多国籍の文化背景の環境で育ってきたため、帰国した今に至って日本語と英語の両言語で私生活を送っています。母国語としての日本語の基本的な会話は可能ですが、20年以上の英語圏での生活の中で高等な教育は全て英語で受けてきたので、メールや仕事で使う事務的な読み書きの基本言語 official language は英語です。 My Occupation : Founder of Trans-Word+ ( English teacher & Program producer of English lesson / TGM & Pop Culture Production leader ). I am organizing a bilingual communication network like a small international community called Trans-word+ and I develop English teaching programs and materials for the class and group activities. I teach English + Japanese to foreigners in our class. I use my apartment to teach English and organize a group of people who study English to hold meetings for our TGM program . I’ve been abroad to Canada & U.S. since I was 19 years old and came back to Japan slightly before I turn 28. ( 1999 – 2007 ). Started learning English at the age of 6 and almost lived my entire life as a bilingual ( Japanese & English ). My writing is a lot better in English. Started to develop Trans-word+ since 2008