Need help some data entry? That's my speciality!

Contact Freelancer
$2.00 per hour
Writing / General Writing
English → Indonesian
Hey there! You can read at about me at my profile. I do love working, so I need another job to not wasting my time. Beside that, I need earn much money before I'm getting older!
3 years working at my mom's company as data entry. Really fun and enjoy!
Monday - Friday 6.30 PM- 10 PM
Saturday 5.30 - 10 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 10 PM

leonita_168's Profile

ID Verified
Over 7 years ago
English Indonesian
Tax Marketing
Hello my name is Yap Leonita. Instead of call my surname Yap, you can call me Leo/Leoni/Leonita. Really nice to know you.

I have ever worked at 5 stars Hotel as waitress for 6 months. And I after I graduated from my University, I was working as private teacher for Math, Physic, Chemical and Chinese Language for senior high school student's. I wasn't longer teaching my student, because I have to moved into another job, where I'm still working till right now.

Right now, I'm working as Marketing Representative at one of the best photography industry in town. I'm falling in love with working, doing some job, makes my self busy with job, and do not like wasting my time. Not only working as marketing, sometimes I help my friend (my friend is travel agent), she need me to be her travel consultant at my company right now (so I'm not only marketing, but I am travel consultant too at my company), because I can speak English, Chinese and Korean (even my Chinese and Korean not as well as my English) and love travelling a lot. So I know (not as much as they think) about another country, the tradition, the lifestyle, etc.

Actually my passion in fashion design called me out since I was child. I couldn't make my dreams come true because of money. So I'm working with my company right now, while I'm working with my mom's company for earn some money. I'm helping my mom's company as data entry for their tax for 3 years and still going on. I really enjoy my whole job right now, and now I start my own clothing line by my self as fashion designer.

But I don't want to stop with that, I really need to find another job. Because I really hate to waste my time. Much job you give it to me, I will really appreciate it.

Don't think twice to contact me and give me some job. I will be able to all the whole thing I have right now. I'm still young and hard working. Looking forward good news from you.
