Let me help you translate documents!

Contact Freelancer
$13.00 per hour
Writing / General Writing
Standard English → Portuguese (Brazil)
I'm highly motivated, I have a passion for languages and I would love to be able to use my language skills to help you write and translate your documents!
I've translated for local companies and I also work as a Quality Analyst for a major translation agency as an independent-contractor. I specialize in IT and Business.
09:00-17:00 - GMT -3 . Monday to Friday.
12:00-16:00 - GMT -3 on Saturdays.

rafasn's Profile

ID Verified
About 8 years ago
Portuguese (Brazil) (native) English Spanish
Business Gaming IT
Hello, I'm a freelance translator who believes technology can be used to make the world a better place. Feel free to contact me :)