Please, let me help you translating news from English to Portuguese, or vice-versa.

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Senior English → Portuguese (Brazil)
Sometimes, it is interesting to see how foreing newspapers view the news from your country.
Translation or summary of important news from The New York Times, The Guardian, O Globo etc., so that more people can read them.
10:00 to 20:00 JST from Monday to Fryday.

pinabastos's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Portuguese (Brazil) (native) English French
Journalism Publishing/Press Release Culture Arts
10 hours / week
I am a Brazilian visual artist and journalist, and also a translator of French, English and Portuguese for publishers for many years. I have a nickname since I was a child, Pina (Bastos), the name I sign my works. You can address me as Maria or Pina.

I graduated from PUC- Rio, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in 1972 as bachelor in journalism, also having a bachelor degree of French and French Literature, in 1968, from Alliance Française, which is the partner learning center of Nancy Faculty of Letters, France. I have worked for Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall for 30 years, mostly editing newspapers, magazines and textbooks. Since 2013, I got retired and currently I work as a translator and a writer. I am writing a book about my art work.
My available time is from 5:00PM ~ 1:00AM (BRT). I always provide quick responses and handle any issues very responsibly. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need a English=>Portuguese or French=>Portuguese translator!


Artista visual e jornalista. Sou formada em Jornalismo pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Puc - Rio, em 1972 e formada em Letras de francês pela Aliança Francesa do Rio de Janeiro (Alliance Française) em convênio com a Faculdade de Letras de Nancy, França, em 1968. Desde 2013, estou aposentada pela Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, depois de 30 anos de trabalho. Lá, eu editava jornais, revistas e livros. Como freelancer, faço tradução e revisão desde 1980, e, a partir de 2012, faço tradução de artigos para sites na internet. Fiz resumos e traduções de notícias para o site Conyac, no programa Reshares até 2017. Traduzo de inglês e francês para português e vice-versa. Sou artista visual, com obras em museus e centros culturais. Escrevo um blog de viagens. Tenho um apelido desde criança, Pina (Bastos), o nome com o qual assino meus trabalhos. Você pode me chamar de Maria ou Pina.