Specialzed in Japanese/English/German translation.

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Tech & Programming / Other
I am very looking forward to doing an interesting cooperation with the client!
I have worked with Paradox Interactive (Sweden) and Wargaming (Belarus) as translator and alpha/beta tester.
I have also written some articles about games and history at 4Gamer.net.
10:00 - 20:00 (JST).

chatnoir17's Profile

ID Unverified
Almost 9 years ago
Studied European history at the Kyoto University and belongs to the Kiel University as foreign student. I am good at both speaking and writing of Japanese, English and German languages.
I have worked with several gaming companies such as Paradox Interactive (Sweden) and Wargaming (Belarus). I wrote as Yamamuro Ryo (山室良) several articles about games and history in 4Gamer.net.