products advertising

Contact Freelancer
$20.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
I've working for more than 5 years as copywriter in international ecommerce company based in Los Angeles. I have task to write about product advertising in English 40 articles a week.
I've task to write various global products review, such as stock, loan, forex, insurance, jewelery, fashion, accessory, mobile marketing, investment, gold, safety supply, business, etc.. There are some global companies using my services to market their products through articles.
content is king to promote your products
monday - friday 02pm to 10 pm

magazine_translator1's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Indonesian English
fashion Science
I worked as translator and editor at Indonesian Children Magazine. I have to translate many popular western articles sourced from BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel or other sources to a perfect Indonesian language.

I worked as copywriter at International Ecommerce Company based in Los Angeles for five years. I had task to write marketing articles, products review and products advertisement to promote many popular international products.