I specialize in translating Aeronautical (Helicopters) manuals from english to portuguese or spanish

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
English → Portuguese (Portugal) Spanish → Portuguese (Portugal) Portuguese (Portugal) → English Portuguese (Portugal) → Spanish English → Spanish
Hello, I'm Antonio.

I've been living in Caracas for five years now, after living in Curacao, United States and Holland. My native language is Portuguese and I translate to and from English and Spanish.

My background is the hospitality industry and my translation stems from the translation studies I´ve been following though the times which culminated in my passing the exams and getting the Titles in English and Portuguese as a certified public translator from The Ministry of the People's Power for Internal Affairs and Justice from the Republic of Venezuela.

I´m passionate about what I do, and I´m only happy when my customers are happy. I specialize in General translations, all Types of Legal Translation, Medical (dentistry), Hospitality and Tourism, and Aeronautical. I translate an average of 720.000 words yearly on the various combinations and I use some Cat tools when needed (Wordfast, OmegaT).

I love languages and will always do everything I can to provide you with the best possible translation. I only accept Translation Orders that I can deliver within the timeframe you require and the quality you expect.

I look forward to assisting you with your next Translation.
09:00 to 19:00 (-4:50 GMT)

agordinho_53's Profile

ID Verified
Over 8 years ago
Portuguese (Portugal) English Spanish Portuguese (Brazil)
Business Medical Manuals Patents Finance
Hello I´m a portuguese national living in Caracas. I am a certified public translator in English, Portuguese and Spanish, Certified and with Titles from the Ministry for the People´s Power for Internal Affairs, Justice and Peace. I work with a group of fellow translators specializing in General Translations, Legal, Business and Finance, Dentistry, Patents and Aeronautical