I am looking for translation jobs in the legal field

Contact Freelancer
$4.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Portuguese (Brazil) → English English → Portuguese (Brazil) English → Spanish Spanish → English Spanish → Portuguese (Brazil)
I am currently a technical translator and my field of expertise has been the legal area for more than 15 years.
I have worked for many of the major law firms and audit companies in Brazil and from Brazil to other countries
I'm usually online on business days and business hours.

rafael_1969's Profile

ID Unverified
8 months ago
Portuguese (Brazil) English Spanish
84 hours / week
I am a Brazilian citizen with Spanish nationality. I have worked as a technical translator for more than 20 years. I am committed to working under tight deadlines, with quality and accuracy. I'm responsible, reliable and good at what I do. The legal area is my field of expertise.