Public Translations "Translation from German to English "

Public Translations "Translation from German to English " - requests for public viewing. Currently, there are 11 public requests available for the language pair: German to English. For a more refine search, use the search bar or click on more tags such as Business, e-mail.

egetgee egetgee - about 10 years ago
2 0 0
fwefwrf fwefwrf - about 10 years ago
2 1 0
yo_hey yo_hey - over 10 years ago
2 0 0
irohajapan10 irohajapan10 - about 12 years ago
3 0 3
pawapuro pawapuro - over 12 years ago
2 0 5
German » English
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Completed : 100 %
Und jetzt mach ich Feierabend und versuche diese blöden Kopfschmerzen zu bändigen over 14 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working / 0 Comments
German » English
Time left : --:--:--
Completed : 100 %
German » English
Time left : --:--:--
Completed : 100 %
Sie brauchen den Einstufungstest am 12.08. natürlich nicht noch einmal ablgegen. over 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working / 0 Comments