[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 多くのBlackBerryアプリが長所を引き出せない一方で、このアプリはあるエリアでは大成功している。軽くて速くて操作しやすい。また重要なのは、もしユーザ...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/07/31 12:11:14 閲覧 1973回
残り時間: 終了

Travel Site Rajakamar Unveils New BlackBerry App

One of the big player in online travel segment, Rajakamar, released new BlackBerry app to support the business. Aiming at millions of currently popular BlackBerry users in Indonesia, the app is intended to help customers making transaction right from the fingertips anytime and anywhere. The key here is an intuitive app and integrated payment system.

According to CEO of Rajakamar, Scott Blume, in the press release stated, “This initiative will allow the estimated three million Blackberry users in Indonesia to have the convenience to book domestic hotels at unbeatable prices, at short notice, without the need to access a computer. We are committed to ensuring our customers have every opportunity to find the best deals available, taking the stress out of finding a hotel when they should be enjoying the prospectof a well-earned holiday.”

While many BlackBerry apps are unable to pull out its advantages, this app really nails it in some area. It’s light, fast, easy to navigate, and importantly if customers are having klikBCA Internet banking account, it enables user to pay the transaction directly by filling klikBCA user ID.

評価 61
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/08/03 11:04:07に投稿されました
評価 49
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/31 23:39:45に投稿されました
BlackBerryのアプリの多くが、BlackBerryの良さを生かせてないなか、このアプリはそれらの点を本当にうまく生かせている。このアプリは、軽く、早く、操作が簡単であると同時に、重要な点としてもし顧客がklikBCA インターネットバンキング口座を持っている場合、klikBCAのユーザーIDを入力するだけで直接支払い処理をすることが可能です。

A little obstacle may relate with details of each room. For any kind of room or suite that available to be booked, this mobile app doesn’t provide any detail of room specification or what’s included into the purchasing. It’s definitely going to be very hard to choose what kind of room that’s suitable for our need if there’s too little information provided here.

Rajakamar mobile app is yet to available yet for other smartphone platforms. The move is understandable since BlackBerry is still the most popular smartphone in big cities. With the amazing growth of Android users for the past year, Rajakamar should consider to support this platform as well.

Rajakamar is supported by large traditional travel agencies like Panorama, Dwidaya and Smailing Tours. It focuses on hotel reservation and maybe has the largest database in many cities in Indonesia.Previously, Rajakamar overhauled the site and made partnership with travel site giant TripAdvisor to provide comments for each venue.

評価 49
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/31 23:45:29に投稿されました
Rajakamar はPanorama,、Dwidaya、Smailing Tours大規模な伝統的旅行エージェンシーにサポートされています。Rajakamar はホテル予約に焦点を置いており、もしかしたらインドネシアの多くの都市で最大のデータベースを保有していると言えるかもしれません。以前にRajakamar はサイトの見直しを行い、各ホテルのコメントを提供できるよう、旅行サイト大手のTripAdvisor とパートナー提携を結びました。


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