東方神起 ヒストリーDVD「We are T ~Second Memories~」
2011年再始動後~約1年半のヒストリーを納めたファーストメモリーズ(2012年12月発売)から3年。SG「ANDROID」以降、海外アーティストとして最速となる5大ドームツアーの成功、さらに14万人を動員し歴史に名を刻んだメモリアルな日産スタジアムでのLIVE(LIVE TOUR 2013 ~TIME~)を始め、多忙な中進められてゆく各作品の制作作業、
Since 2011 First memories(December 2012 released), 3years have passed. Except 「ANDROID」of SG, as a foreign artist THOSHINKI held five dome concert successfully . At the first onset「LIVE TOUR 2013 ~TIME~」gathered 140-thousand people and it was historic. In spite of their busy days they have made their work.
After the restart on 2011, there was 3 years passed after the “First Memory” (release on December 2012) which collected the history of about one and a half year.
Since SG “ANDROID”, TOHOSHINKI was the fastest foreign artist to success in completing the 5 large dome tours. Furthermore, they started the memorial live in Nissan stadium to make history by mobilizing 14 million people, and continue to work on different jobs busily.
翌年の「LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~」、さらには感動の涙で幕を閉じた「LIVE TOUR 2015 ~WITH~」、そして日本デビュー10周年の記念日に行われた4/27のイベントまで。数々の記録を樹立しアーティストとして成長する姿だけでなく一人の人間としても成長していくユンホ、チャンミンの軌跡を納めた内容は、LIVEやイベント、ジャケットPV撮影、写真集やカレンダー撮影といった各現場の裏側を追った貴重なオフショット映像のみならず、
This DVD recorded the video of 10th anniversary event as the bonus footage which included in DISC ③.
Benefits recorded video of the 10th anniversary event that took place on April 27, 2015 as extras in the work now to DISC③