Hope you understand. I can ask the factory to be super careful and I will insist that they ship the cage back to you ASAP. We are now using 〇〇 OEM factory
in Taiwan to manufacture the cages. Taiwan is close to Japan and they can ship to you directly. I am sure you know this factory since you and Tanaka-San are friends :-)
My guarantee to you is if anything happens and needs restoration, 〇〇 will cover all costs incurred. Please don’t feel obligated also. I'd understand if you are not
comfortable with this. Let me know either way.
Just a quick question. I think our E4X arms will work great with your cage. Currently do you have any issues with stock arms. Does it hit the side fenders?
私があなたに対して保証するのは何か生じて回復が必要な場合に、発生するすべての費用を 〇〇が負担することです。強制するわけではありません。私はあなたがこれに不満はないと理解しています。いずれにして私にお知らせください。