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Russian roubles

Victor is from Russia. So are another 40 engineers in the team. These engineers have had experience battling Google back home in Russia, getting up to even 20 to 25 percent of the search queries in Russia through native search engine, Nigma. So they felt confident enough to fully enter the Vietnamese market. The company is mainly funded by Russian venture capitalists like Digital Sky Technologies, who also invested in Facebook early on.

Edit: Nigma did not secure 20 to 25 percent of the market but decided to move its energies to Vietnam.

CocCoc is actually a spin-off from projects back home, Victor explains to TechinAsia:



Lavrenko氏はロシアの出身で、同チームのエンジニア40人もロシア出身だ。この40人のエンジニアは故郷のロシアでGoogleと競い合った経験を持っていて、(Nigmaというロシアの検索エンジンを通じて、ロシア国内の検索市場の最大20〜25%のシェア率さえも確保した)。だから、ベトナム市場への完全参入には十分な自信を感じていた。同社は主に、ロシアのベンキャーキャピタリストからの支援を受けている。そのなかには、以前にFacebookにも出資をしているDigital Sky Technologies社も含まれている。

編集:Nigmaは市場のシェア率20〜25% を確保しなかったが、ベトナム市場への参入に同社のエネルギーを向けることに決めた。


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Well, it’s easy to explain the specifics using our name as an example. You may notice that it has a space within the word Ed: Though not when we type it! because Vietnamese words are written by syllables. They used Chinese characters before, and the principle is one Chinese character for one syllable. So usually words consist of two or more syllables. Even if a word is a one-syllable term, there is a so called “pairness tendency” in Vietnamese language – they will add a stop word or the syllable with the same meaning just to avoid telling the single syllable.



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Backed by DMP, WearYouWant Aims to Ride on Thailand’s E-Commerce Growth

Update: WearYouWant is also backed by Asia Venture Group, founded by German Serial Entrepreneur Tim Marbach.

Thailand’s WearYouWant is a B2B2C fashion e-commerce site. That means, it helps other retailers to feature and sell their products to consumers online. It was founded in October 2011 by Julien Chalté and Martin Toft Sørensen, when both founders saw that Thailand would eventually need an online platform for shops to sell things online, particularly in the fashion sector. Chalté told me:


Digital Media Partnersの支援を受けるWearYouWant、タイeコマース業界の成長の波に乗ることを目指す

情報アップデート:WearYouWantは、ドイツのシリアルアントレプレナーTim Marback氏が創立したAisa Venture Groupの支援も受けている。

タイのスタートアップWearYouWantはB2B2Cのファッションeコマースサイトだ。つまり、同サービスは小売業者がオンライン上でそれぞれの商品を消費者に紹介・販売するための手助けをしている。WearYouWantは2011年10月、Julien Chalté氏とMartin Toft Sørensen氏によって設立された。設立者の2人が、タイには小売店がオンラインで商品を販売するためのオンラインプラットフォーム ——特に、ファッション向けのサービス—— が将来的に必要になると見いだしたからだ。Chalté氏は次のように語った。

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The Thai people are getting more and more educated in the use of new technologies. We felt an increasing demand for finding a larger variety of products online, so bringing end-users from all over Thailand in touch with the “Fashion Mecca” provided in Bangkok became a necessity.

WearYouWant generates revenue from two sources. First, by charging a signup fee from retailers to put their products online and providing services including professional product photos with models, online inventory management, customer service, and also a payment system. Second, WearYouWant also charges a commission for every item sold.




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Plan9 also has a pretty extensive list of advisors, including Zafar Khan (CEO of Sofizar), Khurram Zafar (CIO, Lahore Stock Exchange), Jehan Ara (president of Pakistan Software Houses Association), and Badar Khushnood (Pakistan country consultant for Google). Plan9 also told me:

In addition to [our advisors], Plan9 is building a network of early-stage investors, and mentors from around the world. Hussein Kanji (angel investor), Shoaib Makani (Khosla Venture), Russell Smith (partner, SmithDehn) and Jawwad Farid (founder, Alchemy Technologies) are just some of the people who visited Plan9 in first cycle.


また、Plan9が持つアドバイザーのリストも幅が広い。そのリストには、Zafar Kham氏(Sofizar社CEO)、Khurram Zafar氏 (ラホール証券取引所、CIO)、Jehan Ara氏(Pakistan Software Houses Association社長)、Badar Khushnood氏(Googleのパキスタン担当コンサルタント)らが名前を連ねている。Plan9は次のように語った。

「(アドバイザーに)加えて、Plan9はアーリーステージに特化した投資家と世界中のメンターのネットワークを現在構築しています。例えば、Hussein Kanji氏(エンジェル投資家)、Shoaib Makani氏(Khosla Venture)Russell Smith氏(SmithDehnパートナー)、Jawwad Farid氏(Alchemy Technologies創設者)らは、最初の段階でPlan9を訪問した人達のうちの数人です。」

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・Eyedeus Labs: Making smartphones smarter by giving them eyes. The team develops ‘computer vision’ technologies for mobile devices, particularly enabling technologies for augmented reality and human-computer interaction.

・Nosh Genie: Local businesses reviews and social recommendation engine.

・Piclome: An app to upload event pictures on a single repository data storage to help involved users interact with each other.

・Hometown: An e-commerce startup working with craftsmen in Pakistan to make and sell high-end leather products. We previously covered Hometown on TechinAsia.


・Eyedeus Labs:スマートフォンに見る機能を加えることでスマートフォンをより賢くしようとするスタートアップ。同スタートアップは、モバイル機器向けの「コンピューター・ビジョン」テクノロジー、特にAR(拡張技術)と、人とコンピューターの交流に関するテクノロジーを可能にしようと取り組んでいる。

・Nosh Genie:国内企業レビュー&ソーシャル・リコメンデーション・エンジン

