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Will 2013 be the Year We See More Educational Startups in Indonesia? I Hope So

Indonesia’s largest telco Telkomsel, together with parent company Telkom, announced yesterday that it has opened wifi access to 100 higher education institutions and 1,000 secondary high schools (SMA) around Indonesia. This is in line with the company’s plan to install 100,000 wifi hotspots in Indonesian highschools by the end of this year, and even more in later years.

This is great news, as it now becomes easier and more affordable for Indonesian students to go online. The question for me is, will this help new education startups to bloom in the country?





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I’ve spoken my mind before about the lack of startups in the online learning sector here, something which bugs me as a former teacher. It’s in stark contrast to numerous startups in other industries, like social media. I believe one of the biggest reasons for this situation is the lack of facilities needed for Indonesian students to get online. But with that problem finally being tackled, and students soon able to get a full day of internet access for only IDR 1,000 (10 US cents), entrepreneurs should seriously start looking at the education industry a little bit more. I have three reasons for that:



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1. Lack of competition

First, there aren’t a lot of e-learning startups in Indonesia yet. In my opinion, the biggest educational website is the one made by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Rumah Belajar (means “home of learning”). Ranked 447th in the country according to Alexa, the website offers virtual classes where it connects teachers and students online and has studying resources (pictured below) for Indonesian school students. These resources include free e-books and an ample amount of free materials online (some of them in the form of Flash-based games) which I think are really good.



まず、インドネシアには今、eラーニングのスタートアップがあまり多く存在していない。私の意見では、インドネシアで1番大きな教育ウェブサイトは同国の教育文化省が開発したRumah Belajar(「学習の場」という意味)だと思う。Alexaによると、このウェブサイトは同国で447位にランキングされているようだ。同サイトは教師と学生をオンラインで繋ぐバーチャル授業を提供し、インドネシアの学生に学習教材(写真下)を提供している。これらの教材のなかには、無料の電子書籍やたくさんの無料オンライン学習教材もあり(なかにはフラッシュ形式のゲームもある)、これに関しては私は非常によいと思っている。

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2. Connection in a conducive environment

Second, better web access in schools means a surge of potential new users for educational websites. Previously, the possible user-base was tiny for such startups, with only middle- to high-income families able to let their kids access learning material on home computers, while everyone else had to go online from internet cafes – places where kids tend to start playing online games instead. But now, more people will be connected from their schools, where their teachers can encourage greater access to educational sites and perhaps better incorporate online material into the classroom.




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3. Now is a good time to start

Third, the time is now if you want to prepare a kick-ass educational startup. What more can I say? A head start for any business is an advantage. And seeing as there aren’t a lot of competitors in the country at the moment (at least with a good user interface or smartphone app), it should be easier to get user visibility.

While I think 2013 will be a great year for people wanting to build their own e-commerce sites or launch some social apps, I also hope this year can be the one where we see more emerging educational startups. Solving the educational problem here would prove to be a very important way to get this nation’s economy going.



