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Vietnam’s Messaging App Battle Just Got Hotter: Zalo Reaches 1 Million Users

More good news for VNG today – after announcing record sales revenues – as its Vietnam-oriented Zalo messaging app has reached one million users earlier this month.

That’s a particularly strong showing for an app that got out of beta just late last year to compete with serious foreign messaging app rivals who’ve been here for much longer. Line and KakaoTalk, which have both been marketing their apps strongly, including on TV, have hit one million users each. While Viber, a slightly different app that’s a bit more like Skype, has steadily grown beyond 3.5 million users.




これは、Zaloにとっては特に大きな躍進だ。Zaloは、同サービスよりも長くベトナムでサービス展開をしている海外の立派なメッセージアプリと競争するために、昨年末に正式ローンチしたばかりだったからだ。LineとKakao Talkは、TVコマーシャルも含め積極的にアプリの宣伝を押し進めており、両サービスともに100万人のユーザーを獲得している。Viberは、Skypeのようなサービスなので若干異なるが、着々と成長して350万人のユーザーを獲得した。

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Here’s a 10 step guide to running a successful crowdfunding campaign, with some insights from Daryl. I’ve included step zero as an introduction:

Step 0: Choose the right platform

The most well-known platform is, arguably, Kickstarter, the mother of all crowdfunding sites. Unfortunately, it’s only open to people in the US or UK. Loring Harkness, project manager of Newton Circus notes that platforms should be chosen based on the project – some platforms focus on creative projects, others on startups, and some on charities. A few of the sites are international, and others local. Newton Circus chose to use Indiegogo to crowdfund for Silverline for three reasons:




おそらく、最もよく知られているプラットフォームは、すべてのクラウドファンディングサイトの生みの親であるKickstarterだろう。残念ながら、同サイトはアメリカとイギリスの人にしか利用ができない。Newton CircusのプロジェクトマネージャーLoring Harkness氏は、プロジェクトに基づいてプラットフォームを選ぶべきだと指摘している。プラットフォームのなかには、クリエーティブなプロジェクトやスタートアップ、慈善事業など、それぞれに特化しているものがあるからだ。クラウドファンディングサイトのいくつかはグローバル展開をしているものもあれば、国内専用にサービスを提供しているものもある。Newton Circusは、次の3つの理由から、SliverlineプロジェクトのクラウドファンディングにIndiegogoを選んだ。

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Step 1: Perfect your pitch

With every sales pitch, it’s important to get your unique selling point clearly across. Don’t forget that you’re here to convince people to part with some of their money as well, so let them know how much you need (the end goal) and where that money goes. Offer incentives and rewards that make sense. Package it so that it sells. Better yet, tell your story through a video – who reads long copy these days? Whip out your creative hats. Make it human. Make it emotional. Get these visitors to swallow it, hook, line, and sinker.




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Step 2: Find supporters

Supporters come in three broad categories – media, business partners, and friends. Leverage on these to create awareness of your crowdfunding campaign by spreading the link; if they are unable to contribute in monetary terms, convince them to advocate for your project.

Step 3: Prioritize outreach

Prioritize outreach by choosing influencers who are relevant and have a sizeable reach. Work on the current relationships you have. Six degrees of separation makes it easy to reach out to influential people as well. LinkedIn is a great initial resource.



サポーターには大きく3つの種類がある —— メディア、ビジネスパートナー、そして友人だ。これらを活用し、リンクを広げることによって自身のクラウドファンディングキャンペーンの存在を知ってもらおう。もし、彼らに金銭的支援ができないなら、プロジェクトを支持してもらうよう説得しよう。



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Step 5: Schedule emails and posts

Once you’ve gotten your templates pat down, it’s time to plan when you’d like to send out your emails and posts. On the launch of your crowdfunding campaign, make sure you send something out to tell people it’s up and to check it out, as well as to call for support. It’s also important to keep those who have pledged updated on what’s been happening, or any major milestones you’ve hit (“We’re 40 percent there!”). Make use of tools available to make your life easier. (Daryl cited Boomerang as his tool of choice for email scheduling).


