zhizi 翻訳実績

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Lovvd is a marketplace for buying and selling pre-loved bags and shoes

Fashion startups are quite popular, especially those that run on the e-commerce model. Lovvd mixes the e-commerce and social media models in an interesting twist by enabling users to buy and sell pre-owned designer bags and shoes.

Fashionistas would probably prefer calling these items “pre-loved” rather than “pre-owned,” much like how car enthusiasts would treat their rides, or how gadget lovers would be reluctant to part with even their obsolete gadgets after upgrading. Lovvd connects shoe and bag lovers with each other, focusing on finding a new home for premium brand items that have been pre-loved but no longer used.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

e27 spoke with co-founder Ralph Wintle, who explained that the service is still currently in beta, but the marketplace for buying and selling pre-loved bags and shoes is gaining traction, especially with its recent launch of their MVP program. Ralph actually got to the idea of building a marketplace for these pre-owned items after a first-hand experience with his sister — Anicka, who is likewise co-founder — trying to sell her own stuff. “The problem of re-selling or recycling of second-hand or vintage fashion has been around for a while now, and I noticed it first hand when my sister was trying to off-load some of her pre-loved designer shoes, this past Christmas.”


e27は共同設立者のRalph Wintle氏に話を聞いてみた。同氏は、Lovvdは現在ベータ版だが、中古のバッグや靴を販売する同サービスはトラクションを獲得しつつあり、特に最近ローンチしたMVPプログラムによってトラクションは伸びていると説明した。Wintel氏がこの中古ファッションアイテム販売・購入マーケットプレイスを構築しようと思ったのは、実は姉(もしくは妹)のAnickaさん(同じく共同設立者)が彼女自身のものを販売しようしているのを見たからだった。「中古/ビンテージのアイテムの再販/リサイクルでの問題はすでにしばらくの間存在しています。私がそれを目撃したのは、姉(妹)がこの前のクリスマスに、大好きだったデザイナーの靴の何足かを処分しようとしているときでした。」

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Lovvd lets users choose photos from their Instagram accounts, thereby making it easier to source media for their listings. Ralph is also working to incorporate live listings when certain hashtags are used, such as #lovvdbags or #lovvdshoes, for instance. Focusing on premium items, though, we can’t expect the startup to have big numbers at first, especially because they’re still picky with accepting users. “There aren’t many products up for sale at the moment, since we are quite picky as to who may sell on Lovvd. Once we finalize this latest version, we’ll be approving a lot more sellers and you should see quite a few products go live.”


Lovvdでは、ユーザーがそれぞれのInstagramのアカウントから写真を選べるようにしているので、アイテム掲載用の写真を簡単に入手することができる。同氏はまた、特定のハッシュタグ ——例えば、#lovvdbagsや#lovvdshoesなど—— が使われた時にリアルタイムでリストアップされる機能を取り入れようと取り組んでいる。プレミアのアイテムに特化しているものの、同サービスがすぐに大きな実績を上げるとは思えない。とりわけ、彼らがユーザーを承認することに今も神経質になっている状態なので、実績をあげるには時間がかかるだろう。「今のところ、販売のために掲載されているアイテム数はあまり多くありません。というのは、誰がLovvdで販売してもいいのかということに関して、私達がまだかなりこだわっているからです。この最新バージョンを完成させれば、より多くの販売者を承認し、サイト上に多くの販売アイテムが掲載されるようになります。」

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The investment represents another step towards MOL’s goal of creating a premium online payment eco-system in the region. Through the combined assets, it will provide a comprehensive payment solution around the region. It will also generate more monetisation opportunities for its global game publishers and social networks partners.

“With an annual growth forecast of 33 percent for the next five years, the Indonesian online game industry holds immense untapped potential,” said Craig White, President, Global Operations, MOL Global. “MOL understands Indonesia’s games industry. We are dedicated to continue providing innovative ways to connect our global partners with the Indonesian consumers.”



「今後5年間の年間成長予測が33%であることを考えれば、インドネシアのオンラインゲーム業界には手つかずの大きな可能性があります。MOLはインドネシアのゲーム業界を理解しています。当社は、世界のパートナー企業とインドネシアの消費者を繋げるための画期的な方法を提供し続けます。」とMOL Globalグローバル事業代表取締役のCraig White氏は語った。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Shoppink is a beautiful mobile blogshop browser for Singaporeans

Shoppink is an iPhone app that converts online blog shops into mobile photo albums, allowing you to browse even while on the go.

In 2011, LiveJournal, one of Singapore’s largest online portals which hosted over 50,000 Singapore-based blogshops recorded a total of S$96 million (US$77 million) in transactions. Considering the size of Singapore, the number is a significant one in showing that e-commerce is huge in the country. While there are a lot of blogshops around, there are no mobile blogshop aggregators that allow easy browsing of all the popular shops. Recognizing this, Shoppink is launching a mobile app to provide just that.



