zhizi 翻訳実績

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Of course, COD would most likely be the biggest payment method for IG9, as this is how many of Vietnam’s e-commerce giants get payment.

In a nascent market like Vietnam where crowdfunding is alien, how are you going to get your name out?

Our strategy is working with projects that already have a huge community. One of our first projects is a dance group called St. 319, who easily has hundreds of thousands of FB likes and a lot more views on Youtube. When these projects work with us, it’s our mutual agreement that both sides will leverage on their existing community to promote it.




「私達の戦略は、すでに大きなコミュニティーをもっているプロジェクトに取り組むことです。最初のプロジェクトの1つに、St. 319というダンスグループがあります。このグループは、Facebookの『いいね!』を簡単に何十万も集め、Youtubeでもたくさんの視聴がされています。そういったプロジェクトが私達のプラットフォームを活用する場合、 両サイドがプロジェクトを促進するのに既存のコミュニティーを活用できるということに、私達は互いに合意しています。」

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

How are you different from Kickstarter?

Kickstarter’s focus is mainly on creative projects; but for us, we see this model as very versatile – it really depends on the market response. There are two ways this can turn out: the first is similar to Kickstarter, with the main focus on creative projects; the second is more towards crowdfunding for startups (which takes some time for the market to develop). So our initial focus would be on the creative projects.

Currently, IG9 accepts projects under 14 Categories: Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film & Video, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, Theatre, and Community.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Will you be managing projects just like Kickstarter?

There are 3 main phases: pre-campaign, during-campaign, post-campaign. Pre-campaign, our team will work closely with project creators to package a campaign that provides great value and of great interest to potential supporters. From our experience, most project creators have no experience with fundraising, so, we guide them more than Kickstarter does – Kickstarter’s attitude is pretty much just screening, and then hands off. During-campaign, we make it easy for you to communicate and update supporters, sharing them milestones, or if there’s new rewards.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Post-campaign, we make it easy for creators to contact and communicate with supporters, giving them updates, following-up on fulfilling the rewards.

Of course, the cool thing about crowdfunding platforms is they disrupt top-down big investors and publishers who are the content deciders. It allows the people to decide what they want to see in the market. This is potentially very disruptive to a place like Vietnam where content is largely top-down and monitored. A place where creative and content projects are largely regulated by the Ministry of Culture, and often vetoed when even slightly controversial.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Our current approach is to just start more conservative first, running with projects that are more within the boundary of their regulation. We will solve that problem as we go along.

We’ll see if this dichotomy will actually play out on the platform or if project posters self-censor before their projects go up. It may be alright, because as Yin How says, “the projects we have are things that are gonna happen anyway.”

Either way, I welcome more consumer participation in product and service development. The good folks at SGE has a neat list of crowdsourcing sites in Asia here. And if you’re looking to crowdfund, make sure you’re armed with a kickass crowdfunding plan before kick starting your campaign.



こういった矛盾が同プラットフォームで実際にどう展開するのか、もしくはプロジェクトの掲載者がローンチ前に自己検閲するのかは今は分からない。 Lew Yin How氏が「状況がどうであれ、私達が取り組んでいるプロジェクトはそのうち起こることだから」というように、問題にならないかもしれない。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

And in MessageMe’s own press release, the company compares the way its app changes communication to “[the] way email revolutionized old school mail.”

But is MessageMe really all that revolutionary? Does it really offer features that set it apart from the pack? After checking it out, our answer is a resounding “no.” Yes, it’s a very well-made app, and it deserves the success it’s getting. But it really isn’t innovative at all; nearly every feature MessageMe offers was already available in Asian mobile chat apps that have been around much longer than the American app. Here’s a quick breakdown of the feature list for MessageMe and four popular Asian chat apps; pay special attention to the launch dates:


