yoggie 翻訳実績

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Title:T-ara's Eunjung Has the "Most Potential" in 2012

A cosmetic surgery clinic asked 300 people in their 20s and 30s, "Which singer, born in the year of the dragon, do you think will have the most potential this year?" The survey was conducted in Apkujeong between December 27, 2011 and January 20, 2012. T-ara's Eunjung took first place with 125 people picking her as the person with the most potential this year. After School's Uee took second place with 62 votes. Kara's Han Seung Yeon took third (50 votes) and Lena Park took fourth (47 votes). Vetran singer Lee Sun Hee, however, was mentioned as someone that would have a profound effect on the music industry this year. -


Title: 2012年、もっとも可能性があるのはT-araのウンジョン

美容外科医が20代、30代の300人に、「たつ年生まれで、今年もっとも可能性がある歌手は誰だと思いますか?」というアンケートを行った。 この調査は、アックジョンで、2011年12月27日から、2012年1月20日の間に行った。T-araのウンジョンが、125人の支持を受けて、1位になった。アフタースクールのユイが62票を集めて、2位を獲得。カラのハン・スンユンが3位(50票)、リナ・パークが4位(47票)にランクイン。また、ベテラン歌手のイ・ソンヒは、今年の音楽業界に大きな影響を与えるだろうと評された。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 137-2
'When it comes to a product decision there have been many cases when I analyze things in my own unique way. However if it is a business-type decision, rarely is my conviction sufficient to go it alone. Usually I'd take the time to get people to explain their views more clearly. That's my job and what's the point of having me here if I can't make my mind up.'

PAGE 138-1
But Gates was always well aware of the context in which he was operating. He had a keen sense, too, of the history of both his industry and the march of technology through the centuries. According to Randall E. Stross, author of The Microsoft Way, Gates was being disingenuous when he said that he never looks in the rear-view mirror.


PAGE 137-2
しかし、ゲイツは常に自分が経営している状況をよく分かっている。彼は、自分の産業と何世紀にもわたるテクノロジーの発展の歴史に対して鋭い観念を持っている。The Microsoft Wayの著者Randall E.Stross によると、過去は決して振り返らないなんていう彼は、不誠実だ。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

Dear friend.you just bid a preorder item.I hope that you have look at all of page of item before you bid.The item isn't in stock
now.And the factory often isn't tell the exact time of release.So we don't know exact time of release.We must to wait news and item
at first.I'm live at TianJin(chinese mainland),sometimes different seller get item at different time.For example: Hot Toys is
release new model for VIP of hong kong player at first.Then maybe the seller have to wait about one month.So i hope that you can
keep talking with me.If you don't like to wait,like get item fast.please tell me,i recommend that we cancel the deal,then bid it
again when i get item.


先ほど入札されたのは、先行予約の商品です。 ぜひ、入札される前に商品のすべてのページをお読みください。
たとえば、Hot Toysは、まず香港のVIP顧客向けに新商品をリリースしており、我々小売業者の手元に届くのは約1か月先となります。 常に連絡を取れるようにしてください。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

NEXCOM Digital Signage PlayerCalled to Serve with Italian Navy

NEXCOM’s high performance digital signage
player NDiS 161 has been enlisted in the Italian
Navy. NDiS 161, working jointly with a digital
entertainment platform developed by Italian company
Aitek, will serve as an infotainment solution. The platform
gives users access to IPTV as well as information updates
and announcements. NDiS 161 therefore gives personnel
in the Italian Navy an enjoyable way to spend leave time,
whilst being able to receive important notifications from
the Navy control centre.

Spread Joy to Every Corner of the World

Designed for use with large-size displays, NDiS 161
is powered by an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor with




ラージサイズのディスプレイ用にデザインされたNDiS161は、Intel®CORE TM2Duo プロセッサー 945GME 搭載。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 129-2
Gates also instituted systems that reinforced the effectiveness of the small team mentality. According to Professor Michael Cusumano at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Microsoft Bill Gates created a special culture that fostered creativity, both individually and in teams, at the same time as meeting commercial deadlines and demands.

The Microsoft product development philosophy, labelled 'synch-and-stabilize', involved focusing creativity by evolving features and 'fixing' resources; and doing everything in parallel with 'frequent synchronizations.' Exactly what it means is obscure. But clearly, there is method in the madness.


PAGE 129-2
ゲイツは、少人数チームの知性の効果を強化するシステムを構築した。マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)のMichael Cusumano教授によると、マイクロソフトで、ビル・ゲイツは、個人、チーム両方での創造性を育て、また同時に商業上の納期や需要にも応える、という特別なカルチャーを作り出したのだ。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

Happy Lunar New Year to all our readers!

There was a lot of movement on the chart this week. T-Ara’s “Lovey Dovey” is our new No. 1 song, replacingIU’s 4-week long reign with “You And I.” “Lovey Dovey” wins with a very high score of 983, just 17 points shy of a perfect 1000. This is also T-Ara’s third straight No. 1 song on our chart and their second chart topping hit in five weeks. “Cry Cry” was No. 1 a little bit over a month ago. Not to mention their mega hit “Roly Poly”was crowned our 2011 Song Of The Year. It is safe to say that T-Ara has risen to become one of Korea’s top girl groups now.



T-Araの「Lovey Dovey」が、4週連続トップを守っていたIUの「You And I」に代わり1位を獲得。
「Lovey Dovey」は、満点の1000点にあと17ポイントの983ポイントというハイスコアを記録しています。
この曲でT-Araは3曲連続の1位、この5週で2曲目の1位です。 前作の「Cry Cry」が1位だったのはたった1か月前のこと。 いうまでもなく、T-Araのメガヒット「Roly Poly」は2011の Song of the Year に輝きました。

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

Wonder Girls' Hye Lim Reveals School Dance Party Picture from Her Student Days
Wonder Girls's Hye Lim recently revealed a picture from her student days. Hye Lim uploaded the picture on her me2day with the caption Dance party when I went to school in Hong Kong I remember the memories on January 21.
In the picture, Hye Lim has long, straight hair while smiling and putting her hand up to pose the V sign. She portrayed a pure beauty while displaying a variety of charms with her navy top and white pants.
Netizens who saw the picture commented, Wow you look the same as now!!, I was able to spot you right away unnie hehe
Meanwhile, Wonder Girls's American TV film, “The Wonder Girls” will air on Teen Nick February 2.


ワンダーガールズのヘリムが最近、学生時代の写真を公開した。 1月21日、韓国のつぶやきサイトme2dayで「香港での学生時代の思い出深いダンスパーティ」と題して、写真をアップした。
アップされた写真のヘリムは、ストレートのロングヘアーでにっこり笑いVサインをしている。 ネイビーのトップスに白いパンツで、魅力たっぷり、清らかな美しさがあふれている。
写真を見たネットユーザーは、「今と全然変わっていないよ! 一目でヘリムだとわかったよ。」とコメントしている。